September 2024
Whether you need to organize for a move or declutter a space, Muffy White Organizing and Styling (MWOS) can help manage your stuff. There are always ways to simplify, repack, and rearrange - sometimes a new perspective is what you need (and maybe a boost of fresh energy!). Whether you need a major overhaul of your storage spaces or help to make better use of your living spaces, MWOS is ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work. They assist in full house moves, downsizing, home staging...with a tendency to say YES they want you to tell them what you need - they will do the rest!
November 2022
We hit on everything from turning your own "quirk" into a valuable skillset, scaling your business by building a team, and using the concept of "concierge services" to allow access and customization for a variety of clients. Muffy shares how she bottles up hope and curiosity for days when the work of business ownership is challenging and even manifests her business goals live on the podcast with Felicia Cenanovic.
November 2022
Feel Good, Take Control, and Get Organized - Arthur Ettinger speaks with Muffy on the podcast “Close to the Vest.”
June 2021
If you have ever felt disorganized at home, at work, in life:
Listen to this great conversation about the benefits of being organized, working with passionate people and laughing as you go through this crazy life with Andrea Liebross Coaching.
September 20, 2020
GloucesterCast 440 With Enza Iacono, Chris McCarthy, Nichole Schrafft, Paul Horovitz, Muffy White, Pat and Jim Dalpiaz and Joey C